Merry almost Christmas!
It has been quite the last few weeks here at the Jewell house. Casey caught the flu and had to miss a few days of work. Naturally I started getting it so I got on meds asap and then Rylee caught a cold so she's been on Tylenol. Were all finally starting to feel better thanks be to God because it's almost Christmas!! It would break my heart to miss our first Christmas as a family of three.
Rylee had her 3 month dr visit last week. She is doing so well! She weighs 15 pounds and is 25 1/2 inches tall. She is in the 99th percentile for height!! That's my girl. She is also above average for weight, which isn't unusual since she likes to eat. The Dr was super impressed with her and how much she smiles and talks and how well she can hold her head steady and her upper back muscles. She didn't get her shots because my husband and I have decided to not vaccinate. We have really concrete reasons and personal experiences why we chose this option. It's a choice each parent has to make for there child. Our doctor was very understanding and respectful of our decision. Thanks be to God again because we've all heard those horror stories and I was very nervous about that part of her appointment. Rylee's just hitting milestone after milestone. She now tries to grab stuff and hold it to chew on. I can't wait til she can sit up on her own and we can play together.
All around a very good doctor appointment.
We also got to spend some time with family for a few days. My youngest brother and sister are only 2 and 4 years older than Rylee so they love to play with her and take baths together, you betcha I got a picture of that. Rylee also had her first piano lesson! My mom has an exact picture of me as a baby sitting with my nana playing the piano and when my nana did the same thing when my daughter I had to get a picture of it.
I did all my Christmas baking this past weekend to! Rylee joined in for a few cut outs, she could really care less as you can tell. But Momma loved it!
Lastly we did all our Christmas shopping and are officially done! I really wanted to stick with the 4 gift rule with Rylee and I think we did a good job at it. She of course got a stocking to go along with that.
I can't wait to post about Rylee's first Christmas and all the details and festiveness that comes along with!!