Monday, February 10, 2014


I consider myself rather lucky because I wasn't horribly sick. I did have some harsh nausea from week  8 through week 10, but I know a lot of women who have had it way worse. .

I haven't gained much weight because of my lack of appetite. Its slowly coming back, but its still pretty slim pickings for me. I hate red pasta sauce. So that cuts out any pasta. I can only eat mac n cheese or Alfredo. Another thing I cant stomach the smell or taste of is meat. Any meat- fish, chicken, pork, beef...its horrible. I used to love meat.

My diet is mainly vegetarian these days. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and cereal. Because I have been eating so much cereal my milk allergy has reared it ugly head. I can only drink lactose free. I have to buy lactose free anyway since my husband is lactose free too.

Vegetarian and lactose intolerant?? Pretty awesome huh??

Suggestions, remedies, donuts??? 


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Going Green??

Im not sure if this is considered green, but I do know it's being 100% thrifty. I have always been one for saving money and with a baby on the way-it's even more crucial that we save as much as we can. Which is why I have decided to make my own laundry detergent and cleaning products. 

I can't believe how expensive cleaning supplies have become. $3.49 for a bottle of surface cleaner and atleast $9.00 for a bottle of laundry soap that does 60 loads-if that. 

I just made myself a year supply (based on 2 people) of laundry detergent for under $20! 

It's works great and smells amazing!! 

The above ingredients may be hard to see in pink.  

1 box of Borax (4 lb)
1 box of Arm & Hammer super washing soda (3 lb 7 oz) 
1 container oxyclean (3 lb) 
2 bars of Zote soap (14 oz) I could only find this at walmart. You can also use fels-napa. In prefer the smell of Zote and it makes the detergent pretty. 
2 boxes of baking soda (2 lb boxes) 
1-2 bottles of Purex crystals. I used the blue and only needed one bottle. 

Mix all together and you have yourself a years supply of laundry detergent. 

The container on the left is the laundry detergent and the three spray bottles on the right are my homemade cleaning products. 

Bleach cleaner- 2 oz bleach, 1 oz of laundry detergent, fill the rest with water.

Multipurpose cleaner- 5 oz rubbing alcohol, 3 oz white vinegar, 1 tsp of white ammonia, 2 drops essential oil, fill the rest with water. I didn't have any essential oils on hand so I used a smidgen of fabric softener. 

Kitchen/bathroom cleaner- 10 oz blue dawn dish soap, 10 oz white vinegar, fill rest with water. 

These are all for 24 oz bottles. Enjoy!! 


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Baby's first pictures

We had our first ultrasound where we got to meet and see what our little sea otter looks like. 

I was really hoping for the tummy ultrasound, that didn't happen. I got the other one. Yay!! 

Doctor says the baby's heart looks good and is beating fast. She also said that baby looks perfectly healthy. Oh! And there is only one in there. Yes, we're sure. 

We were also told I'm 2 days farther along than we originally had thought. So my new weekly day is Sundays. 

Without furthera due Our Precious Jewell 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

So It Begins....

Ladies, when did your morning sickness kick in?? I will be 8 weeks on Tuesday. So it's about the right timing. 

I had a horrible night with it. I was so close to actually vomiting that it hurt. It didn't help that we were in the car and the bumps made it worse. 

This morning was even worse and unpredictable. I felt good for the most part and then BAM! I leaped out of bed and the only thing I could reach in time was an empty laundry basket. Thank goodness it was empty. I ended up skinning my poor knee. 

I haven't thrown up in a good ten years. I can't believe how strenuous it is on your body. Literally like a scene from Being Human where Josh turns into a wolf. Painful!! 

But it did make me feel much better to throw up. I'm hoping it doesn't last to long, but I heard morning sickness indicates a girl!! :) 

Morning sickness remedies are very welcome. Iv already tried ginger and it helps a little bit, but sometimes makes it worse. 
