Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cloth diapering

I'm so excited to share that Rylee is back in cloth diapers!! We finally had the funds to invest in a pretty good stash of bum genius aio pocket style cloth diapers. We have a total of 15 and I think that is plenty for now. This is our first time using BG so in a few days I will write a review on how they are working for us.

A little about our cloth journey and some tips and info:

Okay, so cloth diapering really isn't that hard. It can be just as easy as disposables if you want it to be-depending on the type of diapers you buy.

I know most worry about the poop thing, hold your hat because we're about to get serious about poo. Ha!

I don't know if your baby is breast fed or formula fed and/or on solids? Rylee is breast fed so her poop is very water based so it comes out in the wash no problem. I'm not sure what formula poop looks like, but if your baby is starting on solids it may have that more regular poo consistency in which case you would have to scrape the turd into the toilet and then put her cloth diaper in the pail. I'm not to that point yet, but I'm sure once I get there it will just be a matter of finding the best routine with diaper changes.

The washing part is super simple. You just throw all the dirty diapers in the washer, rinse them once with warm water, wash with cloth diaper safe detergent, then rinse them twice on warm. You can dry them or hang dry them. The poop doesn't get stuck in the washer or anything. That was my husband's huge freak out.

Washing usually gets any and all stains out, but if you see some staining left you can let them sit in the sun and the sun will take them right out. I sun dry mine all summer.

Okay so moving on to types of diapers. When Rylee was a newborn we used kissaluvs fitted diapers(organic cotton, not water proof) with a cover(water proof layer-no leaking through) that fit size 5-15 pounds. She out grew them in like a month and a half. So for the last few months we've been using luvs until we could afford to buy a new stash.

This time around we wanted something that we could use on her until she was potty trained. So we went with a one size fits all diaper. (5-35 pounds)
We also wanted something that was quick and easy. Note: I hated using her nb fitteds because I would have to snap on the diaper and then snap on the cover and Rylee hated changes at that time so it was torture on both of us.

Anyway we wanted something that resembled disposables for the ease. We went with the Bum Genius AIO (all in one) pocket diapers. This means it looks like a normal diaper(but cloth) but you stuff the inside pocket with a cloth insert to absorb the pee and poop. These you can stuff right after you wash and they are ready to go on baby quick and easy. We bought both Velcro and snap closures.

Rylee is a heavy wetter so we also bought some organic hemp inserts(super absorbent) that you can put in them as well.

Now let's talk prices. Rylee's nb fitted stash was used so I was able to buy 19 fitted cloth diapers, 6 water proof covers, a wet bag(put dirty diapers in like a genie), a smaller wet bag for outings, and detergent for $240.
I wouldn't recommend this option for anyone unless they have the money to spend on continuously sizing up there diapers as the baby grows.

The stash we just bought was 15 all in one, one size Bum Genius pocket cloth diapers, 2 packs of organic hemp inserts, and a quart of detergent for $302. The diapers come with two inserts already so you dont have to spend extra on buying more.

This is the best option in my opinion because it's $300 to diaper your baby for 2+ years and you can use them on any future kids.

If your like me you will probably end up addicted and wanting to buy more as limited edition prints come out. Lol

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Best things in life

I just need a mommy love moment. I love being a mom. It's the most amazing and rewarding job in the world. There are hard nights, but the good nights surely out weigh the bad. I love picking up my baby girl in the middle of the night to feed her or cuddle her back to sleep. I love giving her her night time bath, putting her jammies on, reading her stories and nursing her. Our bond is so strong and amazing.

Her smile is contagious. She smiles not only with her mouth, but her eyes and and her whole face. She sparkles!

We got her a jumparoo and she loves the thing so much! She will play in it most of the day. Tonight after her bath, we put her in it and she jumped herself to sleep. When I went to pick her up to put her in bed she started jumping wide awake. Haha Then she jumped herself back to sleep multiple times. We finally put her in her bed after minutes of stomach pain laugher.

It's just fun moments like this among so many others that make me love being a mommy.