Monday, April 20, 2015

Rylees' First Trip to the Dairy Farm

Since Spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods, we took advantage of it by getting outside in between the rain clouds. We took Ry to the dairy farm where she got to feed the goats and pet the calves. She was fascinated by all the animals and wondering what they were.

Now you all know how goats are. They act like they have never been fed every time they see people with a bag of corn. We were just chilling feeding the goats and see the one below? She was quite sassy! She would push the other goats out of the way to get the feed bag. She even ripped my bag of corn and spilled it every where. Rude! And I felt bad for the other goats.

I love love love baby moo moos. They are my favorite and I cannot wait to get my own when we have our farm. This particular baby moo looked like a Dalmatian to me so I loved her even more. She loved getting her head and neck rubbed. She also loved trying to eat Ry's pants and boots.

With Casey working new hours at a new job, we have been having a hard time taking advantage of family time. Its usually raining and cloudy on his days off. But with good weather on the horizon-somdeday-not this week-we will hopefully be doing lots more field trips. And the dairy farm is one we visit often. Did I mention they have fresh from the cow ice cream? Yep! They also sell fresh milk in glass bottles! Like back in the day. I love it all.


Rylees' First Easter

So far Easter has been my favorite holiday as a parent. It so simple and relaxed. I loved shopping for Rylees' Easter basket.

We initially weren't planning on coloring eggs with her, we had bought some plastic eggs that we were going to let her "find". But the night before my mom called and asked if they could come over to color eggs at our house so naturally I wasn't going to let Ry miss out on all the fun. Of course we ended up eating the hard boiled eggs instead of hiding them for her, alas fun was still had. :)

Her basket consisted of  a sippy cup, some bath toys, eggs filled with yogurt melts and banana puffs, The Lorax story, The Easter story, and The Three Trees story and the cutest Hippo Garanimals rattle. She was excited about all of this but I think she cherished her hot pink pearlized egg the most. She carried it around most the day.



And by the end of the day she was ready for no more pictures! Still holding on to that pink egg!

6 month wellness check

I am way behind on blogging. I don't have a computer at home right now so all my post have to be done from my phone and it really sucks because I can't organize my thoughts in a better way due to how the app on my phone works. I am going to try to make it to the library at least once a week to write a post and I really want this blog to be more than what it is so I'm also going to be working on making it more personable and most important Updated!
With that fine introduction I give you my sweet darling girl at 6 months old.
AGE: 6 months
WEIGHT: 20 pounds
HEIGHT: 28 inches long
This little wild thing is craaaaazy! She is ahead of the curve on all her mobile skills-says her doctor. ;) She is sitting up, grabbing at things and teething. She will gnaw on anything she can get her hands on. Still no sign of teeth just yet. Poor girl is miserable.
She is quickly outgrowing all her clothes. We have already entered into 9 month and 12 month bins.
Her favorite things are chewing, playing with her feet, climbing up me or Casey trying to get to things, baths, eating, story time and going on walks.
We have dipped our hands in the baby food a little bit. I am stuck between giving her cereal and purees or going the baby led weaning route. If I am honest we are doing a bit of both and just winging it. I give her oatmeal and a fruit puree for breakfast and then she will just nurse the rest of the day. Sometimes I will give her a taste of what we are eating but not very often. Feeding has definitely been the biggest challenge thus far. She has only nursed her whole life so I know that will sustain her and keep her healthy. Switching up her food intake is terrifying. Of course I know she can live on people food because everyone does, but taking that leap is still scary.
I am pretty sure she says "Hi" and sometimes we think we hear "mama" and "dada", but that could just be our imaginations.
That's all for now. I will be  back soon with a few more posts. When I write, I write a lot.