Monday, January 12, 2015

Date Night

It was our first big night out since Rylee was born four months ago. I was a nervous wreck and I also had to pump for two days to make sure I had enough milk stashed. I hate pumping more than anything and it was almost enough to make me veto going out.

Our really good friends won Monster Jam tickets for Saturday night and they invited us to go along with them. It has been on my bucket list to attend a show since I  was a kid. I've always loved monster trucks! Forever!

My awesome parents and siblings came and baby sat for us so we could go out and have a worry free good time. Ha right! No such thing as worry free night out as a new mom.

We left like two hours early and still managed to barely make it on time. Plus we had to walk in the freezing below zero cold to Ford field from like 4 blocks away. Did I say it was freezing cold? 

We finally found our seats and what would you know we got second row seats! We were right up front on the action and it was awesome!

I'd have to say the best show was when the crustacean hit a jump and landed into a wheely and hit another jump them flipped forward and rolled up into the stands and onto another truck. Best. Of. The. Entire. Night.

There were about seven cars left in the free style show and I found myself ready to get home to my baby. I was really starting to miss her badly at that point. Once the show was finally over we tried to book it through the icy tundra to our car but kept getting stuck behind super slow movers! Once we got to the truck we hit the freeway and hit traffic. Dead. Stop. For ten minutes. Ugh! Momma just wants her baby. Of course she was sleeping when I got home and obvi I didn't want to wake her little butt up. 

I couldn't wait till morning to see that smiling face of hers. 
This little girl has every bit of my heart. 

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