Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rylee's nursery tour and update!

Rylee's room is practically finished! I'm sure I will always be wanting to do more to it but it's ready for her arrival.

Her theme, if you will, is different shades of pink and polk a dots. Which I don't know how that got incorporated because hubby said absolutely not to polk a dots, but I love them! So I'm really excited it happened on it's own.

My absolute favorite part of her room has to be her crib. This Jenny Lind crib was the one thing I wanted in her room more than anything. I love the clean, elegant, and vintage feel of it. I had a hard time convincing Casey to accept this crib because he didn't like it at all, but he finally gave in.

We still have to add her name above the crib and a few of our maternity pictures above her changing table to complete the room.

This is looking in the doorway of her room.

I'm obsessed with these baskets and the chalk plates!
Her closet is such a mess
Love my diaper bag so much! Casey loves it to!
So there it is, baby girls room. The only room in the house that it completely finished and furnished. 

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