Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stress Levels

Did any of you other moms out there feel like as soon as you found out you were pregnant every thing started going ary? Since Iv been pregnant, so far we have had to move, our good car went to shit and now we find ourselves looking for not one, but two reliable vehicles and my job is hanging by a thread because I don't have reliable transportation. 

The move I'm actually very happy about. We were living with my in-laws for far to long-like two and a half years to long. We now have our own 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house that we enjoy being just us two(for now) in. 

Sorry for the vent session, I'm sure you moms can relate?? 


Monday, January 20, 2014

First baby appointment

Twins!! Haha just kidding! Wouldn't that be something though?? I have always wanted twins. My brain is at full capacity after today's appointment. I received so much literature about what to expect over the next 9 months. I have been on information overload non stop since I got home. It's all very interesting though. 

Worst part about today-blood drawn. I swear the tech used the largest needle possible. She needed like 10 gallons of blood. Not really, it looked like it though as she was filling up vile after vile. She said it was the equivalent to a tablespoon. Lies!! 


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Baby Do List

Since I have found out I'm pregnant, I've been making lists like crazy. Nursery themes lists. Baby registry list. Things to get done around the house lists. Honey do lists. Baby names list.

I also picked up a copy of "Your Pregnancy Week By Week" and "The Girlfriends Guide To Pregnancy". Both are excellent books. However I keep finding myself looking ahead to see what's going on next with my baby.  Ever looking for the week where "she" stops looking like a sea monkey and more like a baby.

I have my first nurses appointment tomorrow, January 19. I've been told this is the longer appointment. Where we go over family history, vitals, possible due date, and all the info Casey and I will need on the hospital and pregnancy. How exciting!!

Another thing I am excited to start doing is weekly bump updates. A picture of me and my bump, my bump, my lovely lady bump and some facts of the week.

 I also look forward to show casing my ideas for the nursery-both genders, maternity wear, surviving the summer heat at my biggest, and a few other things that I find along the way.


And Baby Makes 3

Surprise!! I am pregnant! Casey and I are excited to share the news with all our family and friends. 

With barely any symptoms and the one I did have being falling asleep before 5, I decided to take a pregnancy test the next morning. It was 4 days before my expected period. I always hate testing before a missed period but I had a test on me. So I figured why not?? 

I was expecting to see only one line so I went about my business for a few minutes. I came back to check the test and there was 2 lines. 

I had always pictured my reaction I would probably cry and laugh because I was so happy. I actually did neither. I was like, "really?? Sweet!" 

I ran upstairs jumped on my husband and said, "Look!!" He was barely awake. But he pulled me in close and hugged me. He said I was shaking.  I couldn't believe I was actually pregnant. 

We decided not to tell anyone right away. We wanted to have this secret between us for a little while. Something we could cherish together as new parents to be. 

I hope you will enjoy this journey with us. 
